Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mya's Top 3 Loves

1. SILLY BANDZ - You can see from the above picture that this girl has no shortage of silly bandz. They are pretty much her favorite thing to play with and hold her attention longer than any other toy. She spots them at every store and thinks she can never have enough of them. The other day we were at the park a little girl came up to her and wanted to trade some silly bandz with her. It was the cutest thing. The question is do you think she can fit any more silly bandz on that little arm of hers? She is so funny about just wanting to put them on the one hand.
2. HORSES - A couple of months ago Mya grew this instant love for horses. I'm not sure where it came from (seeing how Brad & I are far from horse lovers); I guess maybe it's a bit of that McConnell blood in her. Jon & Alex were so kind to let us have the horse in the above pictures; she loves it. Just like the silly bandz, Mya has no shortage of horses. She has a huge stuffed horse, little stuffed horses, mini horses, and a hundred other little horse toys & figures. Not to mention the like 10 horse movies her dad bought her.
3. PARKS - Mya has to visit the park at least twice a day. Thank goodness our new house has a lot of parks within walking distance. This is one thing I love about our new neighborhood (there's 3 or 4 private little parks very close) and 2 bigger ones. She would live at the park if she could. I am a bit worried about winter time & not being able to frequent the park every day. She is going to have major withdrawls. I got a children's museum membership so hopefully that will help.

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