Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mya's 9 month stats & pics (only 1 month late)!

Okay, now that Mya is 10 months old I figured I should post her 9 month stats from her check-up.
Weight - 19.4 pounds (70th percentile)
Height - 27 3/4" (60th percentile)
The doctor teased that the other babies are starting to catch up to Mya (b/c usually Mya has been in the 90th percentile for everything). She's still so healthy but is slimming down since she's so mobile. Also, here's some pics from her 9-month photo shoot with Stacie. Stacie got some pretty cute pics I think considering Mya wasn't the happiest that day. I'm so thankful for all the adorable pictures I have of Mya b/c of the great photo-taking skills of Stacie.
In other Mya news, she has a tooth!!!!!! It's so cute and I think she's going to get the other bottom one soon. Warning though, she bites sometimes and it hurts. We're working on this one. She has the cutest personality.


Julianne said...

These are SO cute. Good job to you and Brad for making a cute baby and good job to Stacie for the great pictures.

Natalie said...

So cute!!! I love those pictures! Clay bites all the time, it is his favorite, we are trying to work on that as well! Glad to hear everything is going well!! I want to see pictures of that cute tooth too!