Monday, July 13, 2009

The 1st post done all by Emily

So I have to start out by saying I'm so proud of myself because I am finally figuring out this blog thing and am doing a post all by myself finally. So yes, you can expect more frequent posts from me. So here's what's new with Brad, Emily, & Mya:
Brad - Brad is staying busy selling houses. We are feeling very blessed, and I'm so proud of him. Yes, he even sold our house and hopefully it will close the end of August. We are in the process of finding somewhere else to live while we wait to hopefully build a house. We'll keep you posted on that.
Emily - I'm keeping busy w/ work and chasing Mya & Brad around. I'm so thankful that I have such a flexible job and can be home with Mya more. I just finished a summer class and am glad to have that done and am almost half done w/ my masters degree.
Mya - Mya is 9 months old, can you believe it? I can't. She started crawling a month ago and now is busy getting into trouble. She loves cords, outlets, and everything else she shouldn't have. She's our new vacuuam cleaner b/c she seems to find every little thing on the floor. She loves to swim (& taste chlorine) and to be outside. Mya liked to rearrange her crib bumper so that is now out of the crib but she still manages to do things like get her feet stuck in b/w the crib bars and all other crazy stuff. We have her 9 month check up this week so I'll post her stats when I get those. I think she's the cutest baby ever and am so blessed to be her mommy!

Last week we went to St. Louis to see Brad's family. We had a blast and got to see some of his siblings and nieces that we hadn't seen in a long time. It was a much needed vacation and we're glad Brad's parents are only 6 1/2 hours away now instead of 14, yay. I'll post pictures soon!


Natalie said...

I am so proud of you!!! Good work on the post, it sounds like everybody is doing great! Mya is so cute! I can't believe how blond her hair is! I can't wait to see you guys soon. If everything goes as planned we will see you the end of October! Mya will be ONE!!! CRAZINESS!! We love you all, and keep those posts coming.

Megan and Travis said...

Yay for the post! I sure do hope there is a lot more... and a lot more pictures of Mya! Travis and I love looking at pictures of her and how cute she is :) She's getting really big and a blondie! We can't wait to see y'all whenever that will be! Keep the posts coming!

cmjacobsen said...

Emily, love the post, she is a doll. I can't believe you went to St. Louis and didn't stop in. You had to have went practically right by us, no big deal, but definetly let me know for next time. That's great that they are closer, so you about half way between both parents, that is a wonderful blessing. Great pictures! love, Monica