Tuesday, March 31, 2009

and 6 months later

So apparently there are people out there that want to see updated photos of Mya from when she was born which is pure insanity but whatever!! Sorry we haven't been very vigilant about posting stuff about our beatiful daughter. Enjoy!


Natalie said...

YEAH!!! Cute pictures! I expect you to continue to update! How does she like her rice cereal?

cmjacobsen said...

Wonderful! I love it! She is beautiful and her hair is perfect! I love the pictures! It was great to see you and Mya and Brad and your family. Monica

amy said...

finally! after a while i just quit checking. day after day, no new posts. kidding! she is one beautiful girl. in the bath photo she looks a lot like afton did at that age. there may be some resemblence. love you guy! also, we should really meet up somewhere. it might be fun!